
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Gamer83 The gameplay itself isn't significantly improved over the first game - it was clunky before, it's still clunky now. Definitely give it a go on GamePass if it ever gets there, because if nothing else, the presentation of the game is completely brilliant.



Cool, I'll do that. Thanks for the advice and giving your thoughts on the game.

Edited on by Gamer83



@Gamer83 @LN78 Exactly the same here. Really enjoyed Alan Wake 1 and Control (even replayed both in preparation) but I just wasn't able to get into this game from the get go. I think I'm around half way through and I just have no desire to keep playing.

I really wish they didn't take it down the survival horror route because it just feels like a poor imitation of Resident Evil 4.


PSN: Reverandjames


@BookhouseBoy I can see that (like me) you're a big"Twin Peaks" fan - I thought that "AW2" was far more influenced by stuff like "True Detective" and David Fincher movies. Did you get that impression, too?



@LN78 Yeah, for sure. Definitely saw some Fight Club parallels but I also think it was heavily influenced by Twin Peaks: The Return. Basically a more surreal version of what came before it.


PSN: Reverandjames


@BookhouseBoy Yeah, although believe it or not the Mr.Scratch doppelganger stuff originated in "Alan Wake:American Nightmare" which predated the tulpa storyline in 'TP:TR". Crazy.



@LN78 Ha, yeah. I also played that for the first time recently (loved it). I think if you dig into Twin Peaks deep enough, you'd find more evidence of tulpas which I can imagine Sam Lake doing.


PSN: Reverandjames


@BookhouseBoy I think I read somewhere that the tulpa stuff was going to feature very heavily in "Fire Walk With Me" but I'm glad that the movie exists in its current state. It's a masterpiece.



Gamer83 wrote:

What makes it even worse is how long the wait was

I would have given it a try if it been on disc that way i could have traded it if it turned out as bad as some reviews have said, i am now going to give it a miss.



Played a bit of Tiny Tinas Wonderland. I'm enjoying quite a bit. It is for sure still more Borderlands, but the added spells and fantasy look makes it different enough for me. Also the D&D humor, while childish at times still makes me chuckle.



I also would've liked a disc copy, not a fan of the all-digital push going on.



Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth is the current flavour. For me, RGG never miss so I had this pre ordered. Haven't had much opportunity to play it yet but I have a clear day tomorrow so I should be able to get some good time in with it.



This is my latest purchase at £15.99 i couldn't resist, a member recommended it when i posted that i was not enjoying Robocop and its a much better game in my opinion.

Offer ends 31/1/2024




Gamer83 wrote:

I also would've liked a disc copy, not a fan of the all-digital push going on.

It will be a sad day when they finally pull the plug on disc versions of consoles to stop people selling and trading games, how are kids supposed to find £50 - £70 for games.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



@Max_Headroom My guess— the end of physical games will probably lead the industry toward an even greater bipolar (and I don’t mean the mental illness, rather just two extremes) fanbase, as far as how games are consumed. Those with means will afford to buy new games and those without will play F2P or service games that can be played for thousands of hours with only one purchase. Kids will likely be in that group they just has to play a lot of F2P. It’s already getting there now, but it will be more pronounced when physical ends.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Th3solution wrote:

@Max_Headroom Those with means will afford to buy new games and those without will play F2P or service games that can be played for thousands of hours with only one purchase.

That will be a very bad day for gaming.



In tackling my backlog, I finally started Deathloop. Pretty interesting so far though I’m very early.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer I found my experience with Deathloop to only become more positive the more I ran it tbh. I pretty much hated it initially… disappointed that it wasn’t scratching that Dishonored itch but the more I played the better it became. And hey presto, by the time I was done, quite a few of those classic Arkane staples began to manifest… if you’re already intrigued, I think you’ll end up having a good time.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


That’s good to know. I actually fell asleep while playing it but that’s less an indictment on the games quality and more on my lifestyle of burning the candle at both ends! I’m looking forward to properly getting into it! Big fan of Arkane generally.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer Haha! I thought I was the only one who falls asleep during games. 😄 It actually doesn’t happen very often, but every now and then it does. And like you say, it’s not necessarily during a game I don’t like. Often it’s the opposite — a game I want to forego sleep to play, but my body betrays me

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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