The Last of Us: Part II is one of Sony's biggest PS4 exclusives. The original game is a modern classic from Naughty Dog, and the sequel is another superlative effort, earning a 10/10 in our review. As part of our The Last of Us 2 guide, we'll run through some common questions about the game.
When Is The Last of Us 2's Release Date?
The Last of Us: Part II launched worldwide on PS4 on Friday 19th June, 2020.
Are There Any Pre-Order Bonuses for The Last of Us 2?
Yes. If you pre-order The Last of Us 2, you'll receive two in-game items: an ammo capacity upgrade, and a crafting training manual. Pre-ordering digitally via the PlayStation Store will get you an exclusive PSN avatar.
Is There a The Last of Us 2 Special or Collector's Edition?
Yes, in fact, there are several editions being made available for The Last of Us 2.
Standard Edition: This is the basic version of the game.
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Special Edition: The Special Edition includes a steelbook case, an art book, a PS4 dynamic theme, and set of PSN avatars.
Collector's Edition: The Collector's Edition includes all the above, plus a set of enamel pins, a digital soundtrack, a digital artbook, an Ellie statue, some stickers, Ellie's bracelet, a lithograph print, and a thank you letter.
Ellie Edition: The Ellie Edition includes everything in the Collector's Edition, plus Ellie's backpack, the soundtrack on vinyl, and a logo patch.
Digital Deluxe Edition: The Digital Deluxe Edition includes an exclusive avatar, a set of even more avatars, the digital soundtrack, digital art book, and a dynamic theme.
Is There a The Last of Us 2 PS4 Pro Limited Edition Bundle?
Yes. Sony has announced a special edition PS4 Pro console for The Last of Us 2. Engraved into the surface of the console is Ellie's tattoo, which features a fern leaf and a moth, or butterfly. It comes with a similarly decorated DualShock 4 PS4 controller, a physical copy of the game, and a code for downloading some digital bits and pieces.
When Will Pre-Load Begin for The Last of Us 2?
Those who pre-order The Last of Us 2 via PlayStation Store will be able to take advantage of pre-loading the game, which means it'll download to your console before the release date so it's ready to go straight away. The pre-load feature for The Last of Us 2 is available now.
Does The Last of Us 2 Come on Two Discs?
Yes, physical copies of The Last of Us: Part II will come with two Blu-Ray discs. It's likely that one will contain the majority of the game data, and is what you'll use to install the game on your PS4. The other will be the disc you insert to play the game.
How Much Space Does The Last of Us 2 Take Up on Your PS4 Hard Drive?
The Last of Us Part II will reportedly require a minimum of 100GB of free space on your PS4's hard drive. You might want to delete some games you're not playing anymore to make some room.
How long Is The Last of Us 2?
The Last of Us 2 is pretty darn big. The game's director, Neil Druckmann, calls it Naughty Dog's "most ambitious and longest game". Estimates online put the game at around 30 hours, but this will differ depending on how you play. You can find out more information through here: The Last of Us 2: How Long Does It Take to Beat?
Do You Need to Play The Last of Us Before You Start The Last of Us 2?
This is a series that's heavily character and story driven, so we would highly recommend playing through the first game before starting The Last of Us: Part II. We imagine the sequel will stand on its own well enough, but to get the full impact, it's worth playing the original adventure, which is available on both PS3 and PS4. In fact, The Last of Us Remastered was one of October 2019's PS Plus games, so hopefully you already have access to it.
If you'd rather just read a full story recap for The Last of Us 1, we've got you covered. Check out our guide: The Last of Us 2: Full Story Recap.
Are There New Enemy Types in The Last of Us 2?
Yes, there are a couple of new enemies we know of so far. One new species of the infected is called the Shambler. This guy is a large brute with thick fungus acting like armour plating. He's tough to take down, and will spray acidic fungal clouds at you. Lovely. It sounds quite a bit like the Bloaters from the original game — perhaps this is a stage further along the infection process?
There are two main human factions you'll be dealing with through the adventure. The Washington Liberation Front, or WLF, is an organised militaristic group with lots of weapons and no hesitation in killing strangers. On the other hand, you have the Seraphites, a religious cult that favours sneaky tactics and bows and arrows to get the drop on enemies.
Then there are guard dogs. Certain enemy patrols will include attack dogs, and these are hard to deal with. They can detect your scent, and it's impossible to sneak up on them with their heightened hearing. If one does attack you, you're able to either kill the animal or deal with it non-lethally. Stealth and constant movement will be the keys to victory.
Can You Jump in The Last of Us 2?
Perhaps an odd question, but yes, you can. Unlike the first game, The Last of Us 2 will feature a jump button, allowing you to explore the more expansive levels and clamber up to higher points. Ellie is also able to dodge incoming attacks and go prone to avoid detection. None of this is particularly groundbreaking, but she sounds much more agile than Joel was in the original.
Will The Last of Us 2 Release on PS5 As Well As PS4?
Some believe that The Last of Us 2 will be a cross-gen game — in other words, it's a PS5 game as well as a PS4 title. Obviously, we don't know the answer just yet, but we think it's pretty likely we'll see a souped up version of the game on PS5 at some point. At the very least, the game will be backwards compatible on PS5. You can find out more information in our guide: The Last of Us 2: Will It Be on PS5?
Will The Last of Us 2 Have Online Multiplayer?
No. Naughty Dog has now confirmed that online multiplayer, including Factions mode, will not be included in The Last of Us 2. The sequel, at least at launch, is a purely single player game.
That's not to say The Last of Us multiplayer is never coming back, though. Naughty Dog is definitely working on a multiplayer aspect, but we'd expect it to release as a separate game. For more information, refer to the following guide: The Last of Us 2: Does It Have Multiplayer?
Will There Be Microtransactions in The Last of Us 2?
Considering the lack of online functionality, we doubt it.
Will There Be DLC for The Last of Us 2?
It's hard to say. The original game did get one DLC expansion with Left Behind, but Naughty Dog isn't known for producing lots of extra content for its games. It's possible we'll see something, but we won't hear about it for quite some time.
Will there be PS4 Pro enhancements for The Last of Us 2?
Yes, The Last of Us 2 will have upscaled 4K support on PS4 Pro, as well as HDR support.
We'll update this FAQ as new information becomes available. Do you have any more burning questions regarding The Last of Us 2? See if they're answered in our The Last of Us 2 guide, or let us know in the comments below.
Comments 51
All I want to know is the release date. I'm going in blind...
All u need to know is sites are gonna milk clicks
This is pure clickbait and has no real info.
All You Need to Know...
Is that I can't decide if this article is more like a Saturday Night Live skit or a Stephen Colbert opening monologue.
On the bright side, with articles like this we certainly won't have to worry about spoilers. 😂

Like the first game, will it make me question video games as an art form, my flawed moral compass, and life in general?
"Everything you need to know", with pretty much every question answered with "we don't know".
Total clickbait article, with absolutely no useful information whatsoever. Truly atrocious. I expect better from this site.
Come on guys, just because you know the answers doesn’t mean everyone else does. Plus we’ll be updating the guide!
Awful. Awful. Awful. Clickbait. Shameful.
how about we report on a release date & or new gameplay, besides that these articles are redudndant.
Can’t believe you wrote this article without a steering wheel.
It does seem a bit of a strange one, guys.
I haven't got too much of a problem with it and sometimes your FAQs are useful but this seems a bit unnecessary until there's some actual news.
Just my 2p.
Can we name this article Frequently Unanswered Questions.
Daddy wants some milk
@get2sammyb That's just it, we don't know the answers, because there aren't any to know. The only real purpose this serves in its current form is to attract people via search engines and gain ad revenue.
It would have been much better to post this when there actually is something new worth knowing, and then update it as more came to light.
I could post a similar article on my own site titled "everything you need to know about Uncharted 5" and give people just as much relevant information. Posting this now, in this form, with zero answers, is clickbait - pure and simple.
@kyleforrester87 😂. Awesome classic Push Square reference.

I personally think we won’t hear nothing really major about the last of us 2 until days gone release and been on the market for a few months.
I made a few phone calls and answered some of the questions for you. You're welcome.
What is the story in The Last of Us II?
The Last of Us II follows a girl called Ellie, who kisses her girlfriend at a dance. Unfortunately, a classmate films the kiss and Ellie then has to deal with the massive internet backlash that happens as a result, while also dealing with an apocalypse.
Do you need to play The Last of Us 1 before you play The Last of Us II?
Yes you fool.
Will you play as Ellie for the whole game in The Last of Us II?
No. While some sections of the game will feature Ellie, for the majority of the game you will be playing as Ellie's long-lost uncle, Victor Sullivan.
Will you play as Joel in The Last of Us II?
No, Joel will not feature. Naughty Dog has revealed that, following the events of the previous game, Joel has retired from zombie killing to fulfil his life-long dream of becoming a milkman.
Will there be microtransactions in The Last of Us II?
Yes. It has been confirmed there will be lootboxes, which the player can push around while listening to plot exposition. If you pay a certain amount, the boxes can instead be broken, revealing useful items inside. These will include better guns, more ammo and weedkiller for dealing with the fungal-infected enemies.
This article kinda reminds me of No Man's Sky. Eventually, it'll have more content.
Wow can u say click bate so what was the point in even wrighting this if u know almost nothing do your job and give us real news
@Gremio108 Cheers for that. 🤣
an FAQ with no answers. clap ... clap.
Naughty Dog, please stop beating around the bush and tell us WHEN we can pre-order The Last of Us Part 2. This article is useless.
Wow, we are really upset about this article. Except that they always do one of these and update it as info comes out. Does everything have to be bad?
Deep down, I always knew that Ellie and Victor Sullivan were related.
I'm so excited but terrified to play this game. The first is one of my all-time favourites and I'm just not ready for the brutal heartache that will inevitably follow in the next chapter. But I know I have to play it anyway.
I just had a thought...
We don't know what the content of this article will be, or when we'll get it, but the publisher will earn some cash from those who keep visiting in hope.
Ladies and gents, I give you... the PushSquEAre Loot Box! 🤣
Do we know anything about this game?
> Sold! I'm buying it anyway.
Cant weight for the last of us 2 I played the 1st part 3 or 4 times it's so good and part 2 will be even better
The issue I have with these kind of posts (not directing directly at Pushsquare, but in general) is that they provide no information and promise it will be updated. However when actual information comes out regarding this game, you will make a separate post about it anyway. Therefore kind of negating the need for this post at all.
But on the subject of TLOU 2 info, I'm of the belief we will play as Joel in the opening chapter only, in a shocking turn of events will be killed by vengeful fireflies, hence creating Ellie's motive for the rest of the game. Joel will appear as a "guiding ghost" throughout. And Ellie will find Out in the course of the game what Joel actually did to save her, making conflicting emotions for Ellie! That's how I would personally write it anyway.
@Neolit Thanks! Our view is that this is an evolving article, and we hope that people will find it useful over time. We also recognise that not everyone knows everything about every game, and there's a lot of fake news out there, so as much as we consider ourselves a site for "core" gamers — we're also trying to appeal to more casual players, too.
UPDATED! It now has some useful information in it
@Quintumply i think tomorrow we will getting more info too...
Does Special Edition include digital soundtrack? On the list where all digital contents are mentioned soundtrack is not listed and yet Neil wrote on the blog that "We’ll also have a Special Edition version that features the custom SteelBook case and all of the digital content found in the Ellie Edition and Collector’s Edition."
"All the digital content found in the Ellie Edition and Collector's Edition" which include digital soundtrack. So, does anyone know if the soundtrack is part of Special Edition?
Does anyone know where we can pre-order the Ellie edition? Or the collectors edition?
I’m in the minority here but I never liked TLOU (or uncharted). Too linear for a start, but just dull gameplay. Cinematic for sure but that really isn’t enough.
I’m a huge horror fan and I thought that would draw me in but no..
Anyone else here agree?
No but if everyone liked the same thing the world would be a boring place
@KOTOR4240 You couls a long time ago. 😉
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk Your avatar says it all im also shocked. 😋
I have a question. Is it possible for Naughty Dog to send the MIB with one of those memory erasers?
I'm so excited but terrified to play this game. The first is one of my all-time favourites and I'm just not ready for the brutal heartache that will inevitably follow in the next chapter. But I know I have to play it anyway.
Hi Pushsquare, I have been visiting your site for years and thoroughly enjoy it. I decided to make an account today to join in on the discussions. I would like to ask a question about the Last of Us 2. If I buy the game digitally right now and preload it, will I be able to play the game straight away at 12am Friday 19th? I am asking because I am able to download it right now but on the 19th I will not have access to fast internet. It will be extremely slow and not able to download hefty updates. Will it need an update to be able to play? Thanks
@skik08 That's right, you can start the pre-load right now and be ready to play at midnight on the 19th June. Thanks for joining the site!
@Neolit @LiamCroft
Thanks so much guys for the rapid response. Can't wait to play yet another Naughty Dog masterpiece.
As for the “reportedly requires 100gb of hard drive space” - it has predownloaded on my console and takes up 77.43gb
Replaying the first right what a game.
Damn, I was really looking forward to the multiplayer. That's my favorite part of TLOU.
So is it true Sony wouldn't allow you to mention anything after the middle of the game? If so don't you feel like your review is only half a review? Sony pulling a Disney before the ps5 could be bad bad business just my opinion.
@get2sammyb Seeing as you've played TLOU II, as an owner of an OLED, can you please confirm if there's a HUD and is it possible to dim it or toggle it on/off?
Depending on the answer, my plans to hammer it all day Friday may be scuppered.
If you preorder is there an option to disable the in game bonuses? I rather play games without having things unlocked from the start.
@DigiTM Normally you could just not download the DLC as the bonuses for games are a separate download. Not sure if a digital version will automatically download them but you could check at the time and cancel the downloads.
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