
Topic: Tomb Raider I-III Remastered

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Pre-order in 11 days to go.

I know @RogerRoger has also pre-ordered has anyone else here gone for it?


Edited on by Max_Headroom



@Max_Headroom I'm thinking about it right now. Are there any gameplay videos? I just want to get a feeling for it because sometimes I find myself enjoying the idea of revisiting old games more than actually playing them. 50/50



I’m definitely interested but am in no rush, so will wait for a deeper sale. Hoping that it’ll be three plats, rather than just one for the whole collection.

**** DLC!


Korra wrote:

@Max_Headroom I'm thinking about it right now. Are there any gameplay videos? I just want to get a feeling for it because sometimes I find myself enjoying the idea of revisiting old games more than actually playing them. 50/50

Edited on by Max_Headroom



I'm very interested in this but would like a physical release, there is an article on Nintendo life about the publisher not saying yay or nay to a physical release, I suspect they want people to double dip.
Also the developer has a less than stellar track record with ports so I'm waiting on reviews, not a fan of this 10% discount system with preorders especially with Sony and their refunds. However I'm not expecting too much at this price point and I'm okay with that.
Anyway enoug negativity, I'm am very much looking forward to some more footage as these were great games in their time.

@colonelkilgore They have stated that they have hundreds of trophies for the games but not whether it is three plats, hopefully they envisage releasing the games separately so fingers crossed for three plats.

Edited on by CaptD



@CaptD yeah I did hear about the hundreds of trophies line… think they’d be silly not to include a plat for each game but wouldn’t be the first time.

And yeah, a physical release would be ideal. Doubtful though unfortunately.

**** DLC!



CaptD wrote:

I'm very interested in this but would like a physical release, there is an article on Nintendo life about the publisher not saying yay or nay to a physical release,.

I normally prefer physical games but at £24 i thought what the hell as resale value of a disc version isn't going to be much.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



Korra wrote:

...because sometimes I find myself enjoying the idea of revisiting old games more than actually playing them.

That's often my concern, as well. I'm very excited, but also cautious, as I tried replaying Tomb Raider II recently and got halfway through before giving up. I'm hoping that port's polish, Photo Mode and addition of trophies pulls me through this time.

Because I did make it through The Last Revelation and Chronicles, so it's possible!

colonelkilgore wrote:

Hoping that it’ll be three plats, rather than just one for the whole collection.

Whilst the full trophy lists aren't available yet, Aspyr did include a selection of trophy icon artwork in their recent PS Blog reveal, which gives us some positive clues.


Looks like the trophy artwork is colour-coded, with red for TR1, green for TR2 and blue for TR3. Along with the "over two hundred trophies" promise, that points to three separate lists, and therefore three separate platinums. It also looks like they're gonna provide a solid range of challenge, and not just a bunch of "beat the game" milestones like some of the recent PS1 Classic lists. Based on that artwork, I think we're gonna get more specific stuff like 'Use Photo Mode', 'Avoid All Flamethrower Enemies', 'Clear the Assault Course in Record Time' and obviously, 'Lock Winston in the Fridge'.

Despite some criticism of Aspyr doing the bare minimum on their recent Star Wars remasters, their trophy lists have always been better than average, with all their platinums requiring full engagement. I think we can expect the same effort here.

CaptD wrote:

I'm very interested in this but would like a physical release, there is an article on Nintendo life about the publisher not saying yay or nay to a physical release, I suspect they want people to double dip.

Almost every one of Aspyr's Star Wars PS4 ports has ended up getting the Limited Run Games treatment, several months after its digital release. As hyped as I am for this, I'd definitely advise waiting to see if the same thing happens here, 'cause if I were a betting man...?

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


I'm excited to revisit these games, and will likely buy it near the release date. I've not preordered yet, as I'm waiting for reviews just to confirm that there's no issues with this collection.

I've played through each game before, so the big appeal of this collection to me is the improved graphics, whilst keeping the gameplay the same. Plus the amount of trophies is insane, I'm curious how many of them I'll get.


@RogerRoger some logical reasoning there Rog, yeah that definitely makes it sound like each game will have its own list. Cheers bud 👍

**** DLC!


@RogerRoger Thanks for that, I will hold out as my backlog is crazy and the digital version isn't going anywhere.

@colonelkilgore @crimsontadpoles
Regarding trophies, the lists have appeared on insider gaming which is normally fairly reliable but take with a grain of salt.
The one strange thing is that there are plats for the PS4 versions (so three) but none (or probably one) on the PS5 versions, this seems weird but might be explained by the trophy cap on PS4 (as demonstrated by Driveclub I think) so they went for individual lists. If this is true then I will play the PS4 version as I can't imagine many differences between the versions except for the controller and perhaps 120fps or 4K. I think it is cross buy so no bother really.

As for the trophies themselves they do appear crazy which is great on a multiple playthrough aspect and this is something that I wish Dark Souls would do in dlc (finish without levelling up etc..).
However it does seem a recipe for glitchy trophies so we shall see.



CaptD wrote:

@RogerRoger Thanks for that, I will hold out as my backlog is crazy and the digital version isn't going anywhere.
@colonelkilgore @crimsontadpoles
Regarding trophies, the lists have appeared on insider gaming which is normally fairly reliable but take with a grain of salt.
The one strange thing is that there are plats for the PS4 versions (so three) but none (or probably one) on the PS5 versions, this seems weird but might be explained by the trophy cap on PS4 (as demonstrated by Driveclub I think) so they went for individual lists. If this is true then I will play the PS4 version as I can't imagine many differences between the versions except for the controller and perhaps 120fps or 4K. I think it is cross buy so no bother really.

As for the trophies themselves they do appear crazy which is great on a multiple playthrough aspect and this is something that I wish Dark Souls would do in dlc (finish without levelling up etc..).
However it does seem a recipe for glitchy trophies so we shall see.

How does one even pre-order the PS4 verison? I preordered already, thinking it was cross-buy, but it only says PS5



The order page does mention dualshock but it is quite vague so I really couldn't say if it is cross buy or not.


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