I've played all five episodes of Life Is Strange, and I can now see why there is so much love for it. I'm sort of glad I waited to play it - I don't know if I could've handled the wait between episodes 3 & 4, and 4 & 5. I won't post any spoilers, but I thought the climactic moment of episode 2 was amazing. From there, it goes from strength to strength, with the third and fourth episodes being the highlights, for sure.
Very glad I picked this up in the sale. I'm not sure if it's still discounted, but even if it's not, anyone still unsure should definitely give this a shot.
I've played all five episodes of Life Is Strange, and I can now see why there is so much love for it. I'm sort of glad I waited to play it - I don't know if I could've handled the wait between episodes 3 & 4, and 4 & 5. I won't post any spoilers, but I thought the climactic moment of episode 2 was amazing. From there, it goes from strength to strength, with the third and fourth episodes being the highlights, for sure.
Very glad I picked this up in the sale. I'm not sure if it's still discounted, but even if it's not, anyone still unsure should definitely give this a shot.
I felt like they dropped the ball in Episode 5 but all and all I enjoyed it.
"What do you reckon, we're gonna have to climb that thing?" ~ Chloe Frazer
"I reckon I'M gonna have to climb that thing." ~ Nathan Drake
Tales of Vesparia (360). I'll just copy what I said over at PureXbox.
Well, it took awhile, but I finally beat it!
Characters - Over the course of the game, I've really come to like them. None of them had the immense character growth that Luke did inAbyss, but they had great chemistry together, and I didn't even find the "tagalong kid" in Karol to be annoying (which I did think about Anise inAbyss). I'd say my favorites were Raven, Judith, Yuri, and even Rita.
Story - It's pretty standard JRPG fair, but it was enjoyable nonetheless, and I could esily follow it, which is something I will give it over Abyss(which had a lot of techno-babble which I never fully grasped).
Gameplay - It based on the same real time battle system that all Talesgames use, so if you've played one before, you'll know what to expect. I will say I thought it was a slight step back from Abyss, though. I missed the Field of Fonon system Abyss had, which allowed you to power up your special attacks if you used one in the same area an ally had just cast a magic attack. Also, in Abyss, all party members could use Mystic Artes in battle, while in Vesperia only the character you're controlling can, which I felt was a step back. Vesperia added Fatal Strikes (which allowed you to kill basic enemies in one hit occasionally), and Link Encounters (where if you came into contact with one enemy on the world map, if another was close enough, you'd face off against both groups of monsters they represent at the same time), but I don't feel they added much to the gameplay, personally. The one thing I really liked was the special hidden weaknesses bosses had that you could exploit, as it was fun discovering it. Oh, I found Vesperia's difficulty to be higher (though I played Abyss on Easy, while Vesperia didn't have any difficulty settings), which I ended up liking.
World - The HD visuals mean that it not only looks better than Abyss, but any other JRPG I've ever played as well (it truly is gorgeous). There are lots of side things to do (I didn't do everything), and I don't think there's much that's locked away if you don't do it at a certain time, which I liked (that was something I didn't care for in Abyss, where there were sidequests that got blocked off if you didn't do them at a certain time, losing you special items, and even a couple hidden locations). InAbyss you had to revisit many dungeons a second time (going deeper to new parts, but still), while here they are one time only visits (except for hidden extras), which was nice. However, I thought the cities/towns were smaller in general. In Abyss, there were many non-essential buildings/residences you could visit, while in Vesperia, it was mostly just practical buildings (like inns), and story relevant locations (all other doors were locked off).
Overall, there were things I liked more about Abyss, and things I liked more about Vesperia, but they're both fantastic JRPGs. Oh, and it took me around 60 hours to complete it, which I think was about the same for Abyss, lol.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
Just completed it a few hours ago, and I have to say it's one of my favorite "Metroidvania's", right up there with Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, & Cave Story.
While it doesn't do anything particularly new, the gameplay is refined & fun, and it has a good challenge that can be tough without feeling cheap (the final dungeon can be pretty brutal). By far what makes it standout is the world & art design, however. The characters are charming & likeable, and even the standard desert & ice areas felt fresh due to the quality of the art (Mud Bog Island in particular was beautiful, in a twisted way). It's also the first game that had me utilizing the 3D in a long time as well (the weather effects in particular looked neat, such as the rain on Spiderweb Island or the snow on Frostbite Island).
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
i actually got round to finishing Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End (i don't like to leave games unfinished)
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
@Kyroki: No it was the fella that rides a Dragon, King of the Storm he's called, he's the hardest boss in the game and I can see why! First Souls bosses I can't beat
Double post, but I beat Watch_Dogs finally. Still don't know how to think about the game. Some parts of the game are very great and the title has a lot of potential, but then there are so many missions I didn't even enjoy playing a bit. It's pretty much Assassin's Creed 1: a lot of wasted potential (**).
Just beat "Gone Home". Great experience, very cool concept for a game. Was expecting jump scares at any moment though, since I went into the game without knowing anything.
Talos Principle (****). That was one good game. Really loved the philosophical twists, if you can call them that. Great for those who liked Bioshock's themes too. Now heading out to achieve that platinum, if I have the patience...
Beat Assassin's Creed Syndicate, which I thought was alright. It was definitely better than Unity. And I also beat Witcher 3's first DLC, Hearts of Stone, which I loved. I will be getting Blood and Wine after I finish Mad Max, which I just started today. So far so fun.
Halo Anniversary (360) - My first experience with the series, and it was a pretty good time. (completed on "Normal")
Gameplay/Design: Despite it's age (as a remake of the first), I felt the gameplay held up really well (though I don't have much experience with FPS), as it never felt like the base gameplay was holding me back. However, the vehicle controls were a tad akward, and while vehicles could be fun once you got decently accustomed to the control, that final escape segmet was nerve wrecking (to the point where I'm not sure I want to experience it again). The rest of the game was well designed though, even if there was a bit of deja vu in the environments (understandable due to it's age, and I never really got turned around).
Graphics/Art - Character models could be a tad stiff in cutscenes, but other than that the remastered graphics looked just as modern as any other 360 game I've played, give or take. I really appreciated the aesthetic overhaul, however. While the old graphics weren't really bad (I switched back occasionally, to check them out), they were darker & overall more bland. The new graphics were overall brighter, with a more rich use of color, and some truly bright neon lighting (used both in decoration, and plasma blasts). Really gave it the vibe of an epic sci-fi action adventure.
Now I can say I've played a Halo game, and if I ever get the itch for a FPS, I now have a series I can go to. I really liked mission 6 (what atmosphere).
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
Topic: Games you've recently beat
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