Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy PS4 PlayStation

The Ace Attorney series is a fan favourite, with Capcom's outrageous legal comedies only getting better with time, like fine gaming wine. In recent years, we've had bundled collections like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles to hold us over. However, the last new entry was 2016's Spirit of Justice on Nintendo 3DS, leading some fans to speculate the series had retired.

That's not the case, according to Kenichi Hashimoto, producer of the upcoming Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (which includes Spirit of Justice), out on 25th January on PS4. Japanese language outlet 4Gamer (thanks, Noisy Pixel) enquired about the experience gained using Capcom's impressive RE ENGINE for the project and what the future holds for the series: "I cannot tell you anything at this point in time. However, it is true that we have gained knowledge in creating adventure games with RE ENGINE. Ace Attorney will not be stopping as a series, so I hope you will look forward to hearing more about it."

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Are you a fan of the ridiculous Ace Attorney series, and would you be excited to see new entries? Will you pick up Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy in the coming days? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source 4gamer.net, via noisypixel.net]